CDS Softball raises money all year long to help offset the costs needed to support our athletes during the season. Your time, donations and generosity are much appreciated! Here's how you can help:
The CDS Boosters host fundraising events throughout the season. Please participate, donate, and support the events and our athletes. Donating is easy, please pay with
Venmo: @CDSsoftballboosters
OR make checks payable to:
Corona Del Sol Softball Club
c/o Corona Girls Softball
1001 E. Knox Rd.
Tempe, Arizona 85284
Please consider making a tax-deductible donation, which can be made at any time of the year! For more information about tax credits, click here.
Link your Fry's VIP card to the CDS Softball Booster Club and support our teams every time you shop!
Fry's gives back to Corona Softball a percentage of the total amount spent using the VIP cards registered under CORONA SOFTBALL and you DO NOT LOSE YOUR FRY'S VIP POINTS!
Encourage family and friends to enroll too - it's easy to enroll or re-enroll online. Our organization number is CJ281.
The CDS Softball Boosters are volunteers who donate their time and help fundraise for the team. The Boosters Board Members of 2023 Season include:
Alison Ritchhart, President
Chad Ackerley, Vice President
Stephanie Tammaro, Treasurer
Jaclyn Hitchcock, Secretary
If you are interested in volunteering for the team, please e-mail with subject line "Volunteer" and we will get back to you with volunteer opportunities.